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 lfind()                 Linear Search for Key

 #include   <stdlib.h>                   Required for declarations only

 void       *lfind(key,base,num,width,compare);
 const void *key;                        Search key
 const void *base;                       Pointer to base of search data
 size_t     *num;                        Pointer to number of elements
 size_t  width;                          Width of elements
 int (*compare)(const void *e1,const void *e2);   Pointer to compare function

    lfind() performs a linear search of a table of information. (Compare
    this with bsearch(), which performs a binary search.)  'num' points
    to the number of elements in the table, each element being 'width' in
    size; 'base' is a pointer to the base of the array to be searched;
    and 'key' is the item being sought.  'compare' points to a
    user-supplied routine that compares two elements and returns a value
    based on the comparison. 'compare' returns one of the following

                   0           'e1' is identical to 'e2'

               not 0           'e1' and 'e2' are different

       Returns:     A pointer to the first occurrence of 'key' in the
                    array pointed to by 'base'; NULL is returned if 'key'
                    is not found.

         Notes:     lfind() makes repeated calls to the 'compare' routine
                    during the search.  On each call to 'compare', 'key'
                    is compared to one of the elements of 'base'.

                    lfind() does not require the array to be sorted (as
                    bsearch() does).

                    lfind() is similar to lsearch(), but lsearch() adds
                    'key' to the end of the list if it is not found,
                    whereas lfind() does not.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements search an array for a value and print out an
    appropriate message.

           #include <stdlib.h>
           #include <stdio.h>
           #include <string.h>

           int vals[] = {10,95,30,75,54,62,15,28,88,100};
           int num = 10;
           int key = 62;
           int *found;
           int cmp();

               found = (int*) lfind(&key,vals,&num,sizeof(int),cmp);
               if (found)
                  printf("%d already in table\n",key);
                   printf("%d not found\n",key);

           int cmp(n1,n2)
           int *n1;
           int *n2;
               return(*n1 - *n2);

See Also: bsearch() lsearch() qsort()
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